Maintaining a routine at home is so important for home organization.  Kids are home, the couch begins to sag from overuse, spouses are in and out of cabinets, drawers and fridge.  Junk drawers are rifled through, stuff piles in the garage and paper piles accumulate.  Does anyone put anything where it belongs?

Make all beds when rising up in the morning.  Be creative how you make them.  Roll back the sheets to “air out” the bedding and have fun folding or rolling up the comforter decoratively.  Many pillows can be washed and disinfected.  Dry them outside in the sunshine now that our weather is warmer.  Wash sheets more often and spray bedding with linen spray or even a spritz of cologne and your bed will be inviting you by nightfall.

Schedule exercise for you or the whole family.  Get outside and enjoy the Spring wildflowers.  If this time isn’t scheduled, it won’t happen.

Spend an hour each day picking up the house.  This can be a family effort – each picks up their own things and put away where they belong. Set the kitchen timer and when it “dings” the one who finishes first gets a prize or treat.

Laundry?  Are you living in your pajamas?  One load a day is adequate for most households, but it must be washed, dried and put away.  Kids love to match sox and they can put their clothes away, as it will help them keep their drawers organized.

No reason for Mom or Dad to do all the work.  We are all home together; teamwork and routine are the best solution to keeping your home organized.