I recently helped a woman prepare to move out of state.  We were sorting the house, room by room, closet by closet and drawer by drawer.  The more she moved, the more expensive the move, so she was ready and willing to purge.

When we got to the bathroom cabinets, or shall I say abyss, they were packed and piled deep, high and impossibly disorganized.  Too elderly to crouch down and crawl under, she had simply added to the mess and had no idea what lay beneath.

As I started to “unpeel the onion,” she was stunned at all the hair products, sun protection, mani/pedi supplies, oral hygiene items, hair appliances, spa and facial lotions/potions, and over the counter meds I found as I crawled deep into that abyss. 

Most liquids and sprays were long expired, the appliances inoperable or unnecessary for her current lifestyle.  Sunscreens do expire and if an aspirin expired in 2008, it is surely not helpful.  Q-tips exposed and not contained are no longer sanitary.  Saving a squeezed-up toothpaste tube for that last drop?  Not worth it.

Six large garbage bags later, she was moving only what was absolutely necessary, and she vowed to say NO to that hairdresser who is forever selling her product she can’t remember how to use!

When the movers arrived… two small boxes were all it took to pack this bathroom.  Success.