Moving? Downsizing? Sound Familiar?

One client went from over 3,000 square feet to an urban condo… here were her pre-project comments: “stuff just clutters around us!”  “it’s all the kid’s stuff!”  As much as she tried to cull the clutter, it just moved from room to room, but moving put a new perspective on things.

That’s when we got busy… sorting into categories, move, donate, sell, toss… the over 50 pre-retirement dress shirts of the husband’s went to charity, the dresses worn 15 years ago at the kid’s weddings – gone… the chair buried in the basement which was always going to be re-upholstered… won’t fit in the condo…get the idea?  Room by room, item by item, a fresh new start began.  Moving day the van arrived, the big pieces were in place in the condo, the pared-down belongings arranged, artwork hung.  Retirement to be enjoyed. Zen.