Losing a soulmate, a child or loved one in the home must be the hardest emotion to deal with.  It’s difficult to do this alone.  When it is time, and sometimes this takes a while, professionals can assist with a host of emotions and issues… including organizing professionals.   

I work with a client who suffered such a loss and after several years she discovered that now is that time.  We are gradually getting the house back in shape and the client is finding it therapeutic.  We find treasured memories along the way to keep, and there are things that can move on.  It’s a journey and a process.

Another client had a daughter who conquered cancer as a young child.  The daughter is now an active, healthy adult, married, with children!  Mom, however, clung to the memories of those dark years.  Cabinets were filled with useless medical supplies, expired medications, greeting cards, old decaying blankets, all causing a heavy weight on Mom’s shoulders.  On her journey she had to let go!  She was so afraid the cancer would return and somehow, she would need all these things.  Light slowly came back into her life as we cleaned out cabinet after cabinet. Soon the “dark years” were replaced with positive thoughts, and my client’s smile returned as she conquered the negative just like her daughter conquered cancer!

None of this happens overnight.  Months, sometimes years pass before we can move on.  That’s just part of the journey, but over time as we heal, happiness returns.