Is your electronic device your ball & chain? Could be a compulsive behavior says Christine Carter, a sociologist. Schedule a small block of time several times a day to check, respond to and properly file those emails. Always check before heading into a big task or work project so you don’t break focus. Keep dinner and date night separate from emails and social media. Gaze into the eyes and listen intently to the words of the one you love.
Weekly Tip
Each time we go from one thing to the next, our brain has to go back three or four steps to reorganize before it can move forward. This is inefficient and stressful. We are much more effective when we focus on one thing at a time.
I am going to lose weight. I am going to quit your habit goes here. I am going to join the gym or go more often. I am going to clean out my closet! I am going to straighten my pantry! I am going to purge my garage!
And on and on the list goes… Enlist the help of a professional. A trainer, a coach, a nutritionist… how about an ORGANIZER! Many stores are boasting organizing and storage sales in the month of January. Excellent time to take advantage of the money saving month and get going!
This organizer is available and ready to assist you and turn your resolution into a solution that is lasting and satisfying. Now is the time.
The act of writing a “to-do” list doesn’t really allow you to let it go. Your unconscious mind worries about unfinished tasks. Don’t spend valuable time writing a long list. Telling your brain when you are going to do something creates a sense of calm. Use a calendar for scheduling specific work tasks, personal time or meal planning.
A random square of extra space full of clutter and piles? With a nice bookshelf and some decor baskets or bins, a redo turns it into a cool, comfortable enclave for reading before bed. This goes for a child’s room as well… why clutter it with a pile of toys? Organize those wonderful classic and colorful stories into an inviting cozy corner.
Tip of the week… Time is precious! Especially in today’s world, so why allow a Time Robber into your life?
This desktop is a prime example of a Time Robber. Each time you need a phone number, business card or that little note on which you jotted something important? It’s here somewhere! How long does it take to sort through the mess to find it? Don’t let this burglar into your life, OrganiZare can help you get your Time back.
Clear plastic totes and bins, matching in size stack well, are less likely to topple over and you can see what’s inside. A tall waste can is ideal for rolls of gift wrap or for storing decorative floral stems.
Want to tackle the clutter project but scratching your head? Where do you begin? How long will project take? Ugggh! Find a room in the house for your ground zero…a room or space that won’t matter if it’s messy for a short time. Empty out the space to be organized…clean it… and as you put it back together PURGE. Sort carefully as you go. Have you used item in last year? Will you use it? Time to put guilt aside… this is where a professional organizer can help… no emotional ties, practical solutions and before you know it voila’! project done and you will feel so much better!
Having a hard time discarding items? Repurpose them. Send left overs home with guests on a dinner plate you don’t expect returned… pick fresh flowers for those accumulated vases and cheer up a friend. Make a JUICE box – Just Unused Inputs, Cords and Electricals… then this stuff doesn’t clog drawers and outlets. Ship a lot of gifts? Shred those piles of paper and use the shreds for packing.
“Firefighters say piles of debris made the attempt to rescue the victim riskier and more difficult…” sad but true headline. Don’t let this happen to you!
A house lined with towers of magazines and newspapers makes it nearly impossible for rescuers to access victims and firefighters are encountering this often. Homes choked with excessive contents hinder their work! Typically a fire doubles in size every two minutes, but in a space chock full of things, fires mushroom every 30 seconds.
A clutter-filled house is a dangerous house, but: “A house is a home when it shelters the body and comforts the soul.” – Phillip Moffitt