“A What?”
“The Organizer!”
“The Organizer!”
“How Much?”

I can help with projects large and small, especially talking and walking you through the de-clutter process.  I am the organizer!

What do I do?  Bring you freedom of clutter, chaos and all things that clog your life, home or office. 

Organizing isn’t just for hoarders.  In fact, only .2% of my clients are hoarders.

Ever think things like:  “when can I finally deal with my garage clutter” or “my closet needs a total clean out” or “where is that car title?” or “it’s time to sell the house, but we can’t call the realtor in this shape!”  That’s when it is time to call the organizer!

If you train in a gym, visit a nutritionist, or hire a life coach, you can hire an organizer.  This will complete you… organization is part of wellness.

From closets, to kitchens, pantries to garages, paperwork to attics, I help with decision making, facilitate disposal, donations, and sometimes consignment.  I contain, label and tidy.

What doesn’t an organizer do?  Clean.  I am not a maid, house cleaner, or window washer, but I will provide resources for those services.

Never be embarrassed and don’t tidy up before an organizer comes.  I’ve seen it all and then some.  I don’t gasp at a stash of weed, sex toys or dirty underwear.

Prices range depending on projects, but the service pays for itself in saving you time.  Duplicate purchases no more as I uncover items you never knew you had and now there are three!  I have found money tucked in the cleverest and forgotten places!

A life-change is a good time to start.  Widowed, divorced, make room for baby, downsizing, transitioning to assisted living, all good reasons to hire a professional