71 Percentage who say their quality of life would improve if they were better organized.
65 Percentage who described their home as at least moderately disorganized.
27 Percentage who agree disorder keeps them from being effective at work.
Time is Precious! Especially in today’s world, so why allow a Time Robber into your life?
This desktop is a prime example of a Time Robber. Each time you need a phone number, business card or that little note on which you jotted something important? It’s here somewhere! How long does it take to sort through the mess to find it? Don’t let this burglar into your life, OrganiZare can help you get your Time back.
Goofy Gadgets…the ones you purchased at a home party; the “as seen on TV” you couldn’t live without; the ones in your drawer you never use…but maybe someday will? Clean out that gadget drawer in your kitchen. Keep only the items you use daily/weekly and put the rest in a box in the garage for 6 weeks. If you have to retrieve a gadget, it gets a home in your drawer…if not? at the end of 6 weeks, say “good-bye.”